Canvas test generator (
The script is used to generate canvas WPT tests, found under
# Purpose for generating canvas tests
Generating tests for the canvas API has multiple advantages. It allows
generating lots of tests with minimal boilerplate and configuration. In
- Canvas tests all have common boilerplate, like defining a whole HTML page,
creating a canvas and reading back pixels. The code we care about is usually
only a few lines of JavaScript. By using a test generator, we can write tests
focussing on these few relevant lines, abstracting away all of the
boilerplate needed to run these lines.
- Canvas exists in multiple flavors (HTMLCanvasElement, OffscreenCanvas) and
can run in different environments (main thread, worker). Using a code
generator allows tests to be implemented only once and run then in all the
flavors or environment we need test coverage for.
- Canvas rendering can be affected by a large number of states. Implementations
can have different code paths for different permutations of these states. For
instance, simply testing that a rectangle is correctly drawn requires
validating different permutations of whether the canvas has an alpha channel,
whether layers are used, whether the context uses a globalAlpha, which
globalCompositeOperation is used, which filters are used, whether shadows are
enabled, and so on. Bugs occurring only for some specific combinations of
these states have been found. A test generator allows for easily creating
a large number of tests, or tests validating a large number of variant
permutations, all with minimal boilerplate.
# Running
You can generate canvas tests by running `wpt update-built --include canvas`, or
by running `` directly:
- Make a python virtual environment somewhere (it doesn't matter where):
`python3 -m venv venv`
- Enter the virtual environment:
`source venv/bin/activate`
- This script depends on the `cairocffi`, `jinja2` and `pyyaml` Python
packages. You can install them using [`requirements_build.txt`](
`python3 -m pip install -r tools/ci/requirements_build.txt`
- Change to the directory with this script and run it:
See [WPT documentation](
) for the current minimal Python version required. If you modify ``,
it's recommended to use that exact Python version to avoid accidentally using
new Python features that aren't be supported by that minimal version.
[pyenv]( can be used instead of the `venv`
approach described above, to pin the `html/canvas/tools` folder to that exact
Python version, without impacting the rest of the system. For instance:
pyenv install 3.8
cd html/canvas/tools
pyenv local 3.8
python3 -m pip install -r $WPT_CHECKOUT/tools/ci/requirements_build.txt
# Canvas test definition
The tests are defined in YAML files, found in `wpt/html/canvas/tools/yaml`. The
YAML definition files consists of a sequence of dictionaries, each with at a
minimum the keys `name:` and `code:`. For instance:
- name: 2d.sample.draws-red
code: |
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
@assert pixel 5,5 == 255,0,0,255;
- name: 2d.sample.draws-green
code: |
ctx.fillStyle = 'green';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
@assert pixel 5,5 == 0,255,0,255;
From this configuration, the test generator would produce multiple test files
and fill-in the boilerplate needed to run these JavaScript lines.
See the constants `_TEST_DEFINITION_PARAMS` and `_GENERATED_PARAMS` in the
`` for a full list and description of the available parameters.
## Jinja templating
The test generator uses Jinja templates to generate the different test files it
produces. The templates can be found under `wpt/html/canvas/tools/templates`.
When rendering templates, Jinja uses a dictionary of parameters to lookup
variables referred to by the template. In the test generator, this dictionary is
actually the YAML dictionary defining the test itself.
Take for instance the test:
- name: 2d.sample.draws-red
code: |
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
@assert pixel 5,5 == 255,0,0,255;
In the template `.../templates/testharness_element.html`, the title of the
generated HTML is defined as:
Canvas test: {{ name }}
When rendering this template, Jinja looks-up the `name:` key from the YAML test
definition, which in the example above would be `2d.sample.draws-red`, producing
this HTML result:
Canvas test: 2d.sample.draws-red
Now, more interestingly, all the parameter values in the test definition are
also Jinja templates. They get rendered on demand, before being used by Jinja
into another template. Since all of these use the test's YAML definition as
param dictionary, test parameters can refer to each others:
- name: 2d.sample.draws-red
expected_color: 255,0,0,{{ alpha }}
alpha: 255
code: |
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
@assert pixel 5,5 == {{ expected_color }};
All the test parameters are also registered as templates loadable from other
Jinja templates, with `{% import ... %}` statements for instance. This can be
useful to organize the test definition and allow reuse of Jinja statements. For
- name: 2d.sample.macros
macros: |
{% macro rgba_format(color) %}
{% set r, g, b, a = color -%}
rgba{{ (r, g, b, a) -}}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro assert_format(color) %}
{% set r, g, b, a = color -%}
{{- '%d,%d,%d,%d' | format(r, g, b, a * 255) -}}
{% endmacro %}
code: |
{% import 'macros' as m %}
ctx.fillStyle = '{{ m.rgba_format(color) }}';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
@assert pixel 5,5 == {{ m.assert_format(color) }};
color: [64, 128, 192, 1.0]
These types of parameterization might seem strange and overkill in toy examples
like these, but it's in fact really useful when using the `variants:` feature
([more on this below](#test-variants)).
## Canvas Types
By default, the generator produces three flavors of each tests, one for each of
three different canvas types:
- An `HTMLCanvasElement`.
- An `OffscreenCanvas`, used in a main thread script.
- An `OffscreenCanvas`, used in a worker.
`HTMLCanvasElement` tests get generated into the folder `.../canvas/element`,
while the main thread and worker `OffscreenCanvas` tests are generated in the
folder `.../canvas/offscreen`.
Some tests are specific to certain canvas types. The canvas types to be
generated can be specified by setting the `canvas_types:` config to a list with
one or many of the following strings:
- `'HtmlCanvas'`
- `'OffscreenCanvas'`
- `'Worker'`
For instance:
- name: 2d.sample.offscreen-specific
canvas_types: ['OffscreenCanvas', 'Worker']
code: |
assert_not_equals(canvas.convertToBlob(), null);
## JavaScript tests (testharness.js)
The test generator can generate both JavaScript tests (`testharness.js`), or
Reftests. By default, the generator produces [JavaScript tests]( These are
implemented with the [testharness.js library]( Assertions
must be used to determine whether they succeed. Standard assertions provided by
`testharness.js` can be used, like `assert_true`, `assert_equals`, etc.
### Canvas specific helpers
Canvas tests also have access to additional assertion types and other helpers
defined in `wpt/html/canvas/resources/canvas-tests.js`. Most of these however
are private and meant to be used via macros provided by this test generator
(denoted by the character "@"). Note that these "@" macros are implemented as
regexp-replace, so their syntax is very strict (e.g. they don't tolerate extra
whitespaces and some reserve `;` as terminating character).
- `@assert pixel x,y == r,g,b,a;`
Asserts that the color at the pixel position `[x, y]` exactly equals the RGBA
values `[r, g, b, a]`.
- `@assert pixel x,y ==~ r,g,b,a;`
Asserts that the color at the pixel position `[x, y]` approximately equals
the RGBA values `[r, g, b, a]`, within +/- 2.
- `@assert pixel x,y ==~ r,g,b,a +/- t;`
Asserts that the color at the pixel position `[x, y]` approximately equals
the RGBA values `[r, g, b, a]`, within +/- `t` for each individual channel.
- `@assert throws *_ERR code;`
Shorthand for `assert_throws_dom`, running `code` and verifying that it
throws a DOM exception `*_ERR` (e.g. `INDEX_SIZE_ERR`).
- `@assert throws *Error code;`
Shorthand for `assert_throws_js`, running `code` and verifying that it throws
a JavaScript exception `*Error` (e.g. `TypeError`).
- `@assert actual === expected;`
Shorthand for `assert_equals`, asserting that `actual` is the same as
- `@assert actual !== expected;`
Shorthand for `assert_not_equals`, asserting that `actual` is different than
- `@assert actual =~ expected;`
Shorthand for `assert_regexp_match`, asserting that `actual` matches the
regular expression `expected`.
- `@assert cond;`
Shorthand for `assert_true`, but evaluating `cond` as a boolean by prefixing
it with `!!`.
### JavaScript test types
`testharness.js` allows the creation of synchronous, asynchronous or promise
tests (see [here](
) for details).
To choose what test types to generate, set the `test_type` parameter to one of:
- `sync`
- `async`
- `promise`
For instance, a synchronous test would use `test_type: sync`:
- name: 2d.sample.sync-test
desc: Example synchronous test
canvas_types: ['HtmlCanvas']
test_type: sync
code: |
assert_regexp_match(canvas.toDataURL(), /^data:/);
Given this config, the code generator would generate an `HTMLCanvasElement` test
with the following `