This checkbox is initially unchecked.
This checkbox is initially checked.
This radiobutton is initially unchecked.
This radiobutton is initially checked.
This hidden field has the initial value "DEFAULT\nDEFAULT".
This text field has the initial value "DEFAULT".
This search field has the initial value "DEFAULT".
This phone number field has the initial value "DEFAULT".
This URL field has the initial value "https://default.invalid/".
This email field has the initial value "default@default.invalid".
This password field has the initial value "DEFAULT".
This date field has the initial value "2015-01-01".
This month field has the initial value "2015-01".
This week field has the initial value "2015-W01".
This time field has the initial value "12:00".
This datetime (local) field has the initial value "2015-01-01T12:00".
This number field has the initial value "1".
This range control has the initial value "1".
This color picker has the initial value "#FF0000".