Fail | Referrer Policy: Expects stripped-referrer for worker-module to same-http origin and keep-origin redirection from http context. | promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "SecurityError: Failed to construct 'Worker': Script at '' cannot be accessed from origin ''."Error
at get_stack (
at new AssertionError (
at assert (
at Test.<anonymous> (
at Test.step (
at Asserts runPass | assert_equals("stripped-referrer", "stripped-referrer")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /referrer-policy/generic/test-case.sub.js:100:5) | Pass | assert_equals(0, 0)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /referrer-policy/generic/test-case.sub.js:102:5) |
Fail | Referrer Policy: Expects stripped-referrer for worker-module to same-http origin and no-redirect redirection from http context. | promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "SecurityError: Failed to construct 'Worker': Script at '' cannot be accessed from origin ''."Error
at get_stack (
at new AssertionError (
at assert (
at Test.<anonymous> (
at Test.step (
at Asserts runPass | assert_equals("stripped-referrer", "stripped-referrer")
at Test.<anonymous> ( /referrer-policy/generic/test-case.sub.js:100:5) | Pass | assert_equals(0, 0)
at Test.<anonymous> ( /referrer-policy/generic/test-case.sub.js:102:5) |